Personal data processing policy

Personal data processing policy

Personal data processing policy

1.1. Contacts

The site belongs to and is managed by SC Bluenote Communications SA, a company that can be contacted as follows:

By phone: ☎ 0232.265.995


at: Iasi, Str.Stejar, Nr.18, Building C1, Jud. Iasi

Tax Data: J22 / 101/2003, CUI: RO 15146404,

Bank Account: RO57 INGB 0014 0000 4391 8911, ING N.V. Amsterdam, Suc. Bucharest, the Iasi Agency.

SC Bluenote Communications SA is registered in the Personal Data Processing Records Register under the number 19292.

According to the requirements of Law no. 677/2001 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, as amended and supplemented, and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 679/2016, which comes into force from 25 May 2018, Bluenote Communications SA has the obligation to manage the personal data you provide us only for the purposes specified.

1.2. The Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Bluenote Communications SA, as operator, designated Ms Oprea Simona as Data Protection Officer (DPO), having the obligation to verify compliance with the GDPR provisions in data processing operations by the operator and to represent the operator in relation to the data subjects and the Supervisory Authority.

The data subjects are given the opportunity to address the DPO directly at any time on any aspect related to the processing of their personal data using the contact details below:

DPO name: Oprea Simona

Email DPO:

Goal. DPO: 0722.575.658

DPO mailing address: Iasi, Strada Stejar, nr. 18, Building C1, County Iasi.

1.3. The purpose and purposes of processing personal data

In order to contact the operator using the contact form on the site – According to art. 6 par. 1 lit. b) from GDPR, personal data can be processed in order to establish contact and necessary information, before concluding contracts. In order to be able to offer you our products and services, we need to process personal data that you own.

For the purpose of fulfilling legal obligations – According to art. 6 par. 1 lit. c) GDPR may process personal data for the purpose of fulfilling legal obligations. We request a series of personal data in order to fulfill our tax authorities’ obligations regarding invoicing and reporting to tax authorities.

For marketing purposes – According to art. 6 par. 1 lit. a) GDPR may process personal data if the data subject has given his / her consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes. Thus, in some situations, your personal data will be used to send you marketing messages, offers, news, future campaigns, invitations to various events.

In order to fulfill our object of activity – According to art. 6 par. 1 lit. a) GDPR may process personal data if the data subject has given his / her consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes. Thus, we may contact you or we may transmit your personal data to our empowered persons in order to achieve our object of activity.

1.4. What kind of information we collect

Information provided directly by the user (the data subject): data provided when completing the contact form;

Information from the server traffic report: When you visit a website, you disclose certain information about yourself, such as your IP address, the time of your visit, where you entered our site. Bluenote Communications SA, like other operators, records this information;

Cookies: Using cookies is a current standard on many of the major sites you visit. Most browsers are set to accept cookies. If you prefer, you can reset your browser either to let you know whenever you receive a cookie, or even refuse to accept cookies. It's possible, however, that some sections of our site can not be viewed normally if you've set your browser to reject cookies.

You should keep in mind that whenever you voluntarily disclose personal information in the online communication environment, such as online forums, e-mail, FTP, chat groups, chat services, the information you disclose can be easily collected and used by unauthorized persons. Although Bluenote Communications SA does everything possible to protect your personal information, Bluenote Communications SA can not guarantee or guarantee the security of any kind of information you provide to us so that the transmission of information in an inappropriate environment is done on your own risk. You must also understand that you are solely responsible for maintaining the secrecy of information (passwords, usernames, etc.) related to the accounts you have acquired as a result of using our services.

1.5. Data storage period

Bluenote Communications SA may keep processed data for different periods of time deemed reasonable for the purposes indicated above. We only retain your data for the period necessary to achieve the purpose for which we hold the data, to meet your needs or to fulfill our statutory obligations.

To know how long your data can be stored, use the following criteria:

1. When using the contact form on our site, we retain your personal data throughout our contractual relationship or until you expressly request it to be erased;

2. If you have given your consent to marketing messages, we retain your personal data until you unsubscribe or expressly request us to delete it;

3. If cookies are stored on your computer, we keep them for as long as it is necessary for them to achieve their goals (for example, during a shopping cart cookie session or ID cookies, sessions) and for a period defined in accordance with the regulations in force.

1.6. How we protect your personal data

When we receive the information you submit, we guarantee that we will make every effort to ensure their security in our systems, according to the security standards required by European Union and Romanian legislation.

1.7. Who has access to the collected information

Bluenote Communications SA does not provide personal information to third parties without your express and prior consent, except for third-party providers of courier and courier services.

Bluenote Communications SA may disclose personally identifiable information when the law expressly so provides, when required by a competent authority or when it is necessary to protect the rights and interests of Bluenote Communications SA.

We also mention that Bluenote Communications SA will not use your personal data for purposes other than those specified above, unless expressly stated in writing and for that purpose, and for which your agreement has been obtained in advance.

According to Law no. 677/2001 and European Regulation 679/2016, you have the following rights:

– the right to access your data at any time,

– the right to interfere with data (rectification),

– the right not to be subject to an automatic decision,

– the right to portability (data may be moved or transferred from one database to another),

– the right to “be forgotten” (deletion of data),

– the right to restrict the processing,

– the right of opposition (you can oppose the decision to process the data at any time),

– the right to withdraw consent at any time,

– the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority,

– the right to disable cookies.

If any of your data is incorrect, please inform us as soon as possible.